About Brent Millikan
Brent Millikan Professional Credentials
CPA – Certified Public Accountant (passed all parts of exam in one sitting)
CMA – Certified Management Accountant (passed four parts of exam in first sitting and the fifth in the second sitting)
PFS- Personal Financial Specialist (passed exam in first sitting)
BCBA- Board Certification in Business Valuation (passed exam in first sitting)
Real Estate Broker in State of Florida (passed exam in first sitting)
I could tell you all day long what I can do for you, but let’s get down to business. The proof of a valuable business relationship is in the results. Here are just a few things that I have done for my clients during our relationship with them:
- An elderly client’s daughter came into see me with a notification from the life insurance company that a very large policy was about to canceled due to the unpaid premiums on the insurance policy that had been paid in the past from the cash value of the life insurance policy. Not only was the client about to lose all the life insurance coverage which had been in place for many years, they were also notified by the insurance company of the assessment of a large amount of income tax liability now due is the result of the cancelation of the loan by the surrender of the cash value found in the life insurance policy. I reviewed all the transactions and found a major error in the accounting that had been provided by the insurance company and due to my work the life policy was put back in place and the large tax liability on the policy cancelation was avoided causing the client’s financial position to be improved by over $1,100,000.
- A multi-million-dollar company financing needed to complete a deferred buy-out of a Canadian company could not be obtained. Due to this fact, the Canadian Company was about to be wash out this individual (investment completely lost causing all this individual money and time invested to be lost). He was beyond depressed and had about given up hope. I was engaged by this individual based upon a referral from a prior employee of mine. I immediately revised the loan presentation packet that this individual had used and took the revised information back to the bank and got this loan approved within days. As the result of this financing obtain by me this individual’s investment was saved and he later sold this business that resulted in him banking a multi-million dollars gain.
- A client of mine died and per the instructions in his estate plan I was to be engaged to sale this business. The estate brought in a panel of experts to value the business. Using my completive bid process that I have used over ten years, the business was sold for $1,350,000 more than the estate had thought possible.
- A client sold a business and all the resale documentation for dealer to dealer sales was lost and could not be produced for the sale tax audit. Due to this fact, an assessment of over $1,000,000 was put forth by the State of Florida. I worked with the company’s legal counsel and got the assessment removed.
- A non-client business was sold. When the K-1 was given by the client to me I reviewed the sales price allocation of the non-client business. As the result of this review the non-client tax return was amended to implement my sales price allocation plan which resulted in a reduction of income tax of over $160,000.
- I was asked to assist in an estate plan of an elderly individual. As the result of my planning the estate tax was lowered by over $1,000,000. Certain beneficiaries did not think my plan would work. After the IRS audit was complete and the return was accepted as filed the doubting beneficiaries become my biggest fans.
All these examples and more show that my expertise bring results. Please contact me to explore how I can serve you. I want to be your trusted advisor.
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